Nov 19

Directed Democracy vs. Direct and Representative Democracy

Hey Change Maker!

Today, we’re diving deep into a topic that’s at the heart of our mission here at Stakeholders Voice (SV); how Directed Democracy (DD), empowered by the Stakeholders Voice Policy Creation System (SVPCS), beautifully blends the best aspects of direct and representative democracies. It's a journey into understanding how we can make our voices count in a more meaningful way, and get the outcomes we all want and need from our government.

Direct Democracy

Let’s start with direct democracy. It’s the purest form of democracy, where decisions are made by the people, for the people, with no intermediaries. In an ideal world, this means everyone has a say in every decision that affects their lives. It sounds perfect, doesn't it? But, as our world grows more complex, with millions of people and countless issues, managing a direct democracy becomes a Herculean task. It's challenging to organize and even harder for everyone to stay informed on every issue.

Representative Democracy

Then we have representative democracy, which most of us are familiar with. We elect representatives who make decisions on our behalf. This system works well in theory – we choose our leaders, and they use their expertise to make informed decisions. But here's the catch: sometimes, these representatives seem to lose touch with those they're meant to represent. There's a feeling, maybe you've felt it too, that once elected, these officials don't always reflect our views or address our concerns. That’s where the disconnect begins. Unfortunately the disconnect has grown so large over the last 30 years that approval ratings have dropped from a high of 50% to a low now around 16%. The gridlock in Washington is putting all of us in danger as the world changes faster and faster around us. When Washington does pass something there is so much opposition to it that it gets tied up in court or abandoned. Representative Democracy was the best form of government at the founding of our country 247 years ago, but it's time for an update to democracy 2.0.

Introducing Directed Democracy

This is where Directed Democracy (DD) comes into play. DD is truly a 21st century solution to 21st century problems. Directed Democracy doesn't exist without the Stakeholders Voice Platform (SVP). SVP is where the Policy Creation System (PCS) lives, a way for anyone that becomes a member to learn about policy and make their voice heard. The Stakeholders Voice Movement (SVM) is the political side of the SVP that does all the work of turning what you told us you want through the PCS into legislation. The SVM does this by getting SVP Members into elected office and by providing pressure on non-SVM Representatives to go along with the policies put forward by the PCS. To hold SVM Representatives accountable the SVP maintains funds to drive them out of office if they go rogue. I know that's a lot to follow, but the point is that Stakeholders Voice isn't just a movement or a platform, it's a wholistic system that was designed from the ground up to give the POWER of the government BACK TO YOU. Probably the most amazing thing about Stakeholders Voice and Directed Democracy is that it doesn't require violence, or a tearing down of the system we already have. It doesn't lead to strongmen holding ultimate power. It doesn't lead to socialism, communism, or fascism. In fact, it may be our only shot at a peaceful restructuring of our political system before it's too late. A transition that slowly moves the old, corrupted system out of power through our normal Representative Democracy electoral process, and slowly moves in a system that is transparent and accountable to the people while still being the same Representative Democracy we all know. The same but also a giant leap forward, democracy 2.0.

Why It's a Game Changer

Whether you're a student, a working professional, or a retired individual, the Stakeholders Voice Policy Creation System (or we could just say Directed Democracy since they are essentially one and the same) gives you a platform to express your informed views on policies that matter to you. It’s user-friendly, straightforward, and impactful.

How SV PCS Works

The process is simple yet powerful. The Policy Creation System presents you with policies in a clear, concise manner. You get all the information you need to understand the issue at hand. Then, you weigh in on what should be done, how it should be done, and how much you are willing to pay for it. This information is then channeled to SVM elected  representatives, ensuring they make decisions based solely on what you want and what you are willing to support. 

Join the Movement

Now, we’re inviting you to be a part of this revolutionary approach. You can either join us in shaping the future, or you can complain about how your voice doesn't matter. Your insights, your experiences, and your perspectives are valuable IF you have a way to turn them into action. Become a member, and let’s work together to build a democracy that’s truly of the people, by the people, and for the people.

Your Role in Shaping the Future

We believe in the power of every individual voice. Yours included. With Directed Democracy, you’re not just another voter; you’re an active participant in the governance of your community and your country. Your involvement can shape policies, influence decisions, and bring about real change.

Ready to Make a Difference?

We're excited to see how your participation in Stakeholders Voice and Directed Democracy will transform our country for the better. Sign up, get involved, and let's make our democratic system more responsive, more inclusive, and more effective. Your voice is not just important – it’s essential.

Stay tuned for more updates, and let's make democracy something we're all proud to be part of. Together, we can do this.

Grateful For You,
David Collinsworth

Founder - Stakeholders Voice