Nov 12

Introducing Directed Democracy

Hey Change Maker!

Today is a new chapter in how we do democracy! Have you ever felt like your voice falls on deaf ears in the world of politics? That's where Directed Democracy (DD) comes in, offering a fresh and exciting way to be heard, and a chance at real change that benefits all of us.

What is Directed Democracy

It's not about voting and then hoping for the best. It's about being involved in the decisions our government makes all the time. Stakeholders Voice is the platform that makes Directed Democracy possible. Once you become a member you get access to learn about the policies that affect you, your family, and your community. As you learn about these vital policies that affect your life, and that you are expected to pay for as a taxpayer, you get to give us your input on every aspect of that policy in a fast and intuitive way. What should be done, how should we do it, and how much are you willing to pay for it. The SV Policy Creation System was specifically designed to be easy to use by anyone with access to a smartphone or computer. It's still representative democracy, we're not throwing out the baby with the bath water, but with us, the people are steering the ship! Think of Directed Democracy as the secret sauce in politics. It mixes in clear expectations, transparency, and accountability. It's the perfect ingredient to make our government work for US.

Why Directed Democracy Rocks 

It brings together the best of both worlds – we get to participate directly in decision-making, and our representatives actually represent our interests instead of their own, imagine that. It's a mix that promises a government that listens better, is clearer about what it's doing, and really takes our informed opinions into account. Directed Democracy gives the power back to the people while also ensuring that there is actually enough public support for those policies to make them a reality in your life.

Imagine This

A world where our government's decisions reflect what we, the people, want and need. Where our involvement goes beyond just casting a vote. It's about shaping policies that affect our daily lives. This is what DD is all about – making our democracy responsive, transparent, and really for the people.

Join the Movement

We're not just talking about change; we're making it happen. Share your ideas about Directed Democracy and the Stakeholders Voice Movement. How can we make it work in your town, your city, and your state? Let's build a democracy that's a true reflection of what we all want! And one that can make changes quickly enough to address the rapid pace of change we are all living through. We don't have time for dysfunction, we need solutions now.

Your Voice Matters

Got something to say about DD? We want to hear it! Join the forum in our Members Area and leave a comment, send an email, shout about it from the rooftops! Your ideas can literally shape the future of how our government works on a local, state, and national level. 

Together, We Can Do This

It's an exciting time to be part of this change. Every voice counts, and yours is crucial in this journey. Stay tuned for more updates, and let's make democracy something we're all proud to be part of.

Ready to Jump In

Sign up, get involved, and let's shape the future of democracy together. Your voice is powerful, and here at Stakeholders Voice, it will always be heard.

Grateful For You,
David Collinsworth

Founder - Stakeholders Voice