Nov 5

SV Founder's Perspective

Hey Change Maker!

I have always been naturally inclined to solve problems, a trait that has defined much of my adult life. Over the past 14 years, I've sharpened this skill, tackling increasingly complex challenges that have demanded significant personal growth and increasing levels of tenacity. Despite this, discussing politics has long been a point of frustration for me, often feeling like an unsolvable, repetitive debate. However, in 2017, I conceived an idea that would change everything.

We are living in a unique time in the history of the United States, marked by rapid change and a scale of challenges that our political leaders seem unprepared to address. To tackle these issues, I founded Stakeholders Voice. I created this movement to solve all of the problems that are currently holding our country back from living up to the ideals of our founders, while also giving power back to The People where it belongs, garnering widespread public support for policies that are vital not just for the present, but for the future as well.

Why You Matter So Much

We currently live in a world where political decisions feel increasingly more disconnected from reality, what real Americans like you are going through. We have politicians at the state and national levels that don’t listen to what their voters want, and often propose bills that are the direct opposite of what is in the best interests of their voters. The disconnect between politics and reality in the United States is currently the biggest threat to our democracy, which also makes your involvement more critical than ever. The Stakeholders Voice Movement is how We The People will take back our government.

How YOU power the Stakeholders Voice Movement

It seems that our current political parties and politicians have forgotten that their power comes from The People, it comes from YOU. This is a direct result of their strategy to keep us fighting each other in an attempt to keep us apart, to keep all of us from getting what we really need from our government. The Stakeholders Voice Movement makes a simple, but profound, promise that says if you are willing to learn about a policy topic, make your voice heard through the Policy Creation System that we developed, and VOTE Stakeholders Voice Candidates into office, WE WILL FIGHT relentlessly FOR the policies created by YOU, the collective voice of our members.

We can do More. Together.

At Stakeholders Voice there is no Left, Right, Center, Progressive, Green, Libertarian, etc. No matter what party you identify with, you’re probably sick and tired of YOUR representatives NOT representing your needs on the state and national level. You don’t want culture wars, you want affordable healthcare. You don’t want empty promises, you want stable income. You don’t want government shutdowns, you want clean water, clean air, and clean food. Government isn’t meant to address every issue, but there are VITAL roles that can only be filled by local and national government. Our world is changing faster than ever before and we NEED our government to meet this moment before it’s too late. The Stakeholders Voice Movement was designed precisely to meet this moment. Up until now, it was literally impossible for every American to have a hand in directly shaping, and passing, the policies that affect their families and communities. If you are worried about inflation, your healthcare, your job, your business, overseas military action, border security, wasteful government spending, the environment, etc. the only way any of that is going to be addressed in a way that truly benefits you is if you have a seat at the table. Stakeholders Voice is a direct line from your front door to The White House.

This is OUR opportunity

Ready to make a difference? Sign up, get involved, and let's shape the future of democracy together. Your voice is powerful, and at Stakeholders Voice, it will always be heard.

Grateful For You,
David Collinsworth

Founder - Stakeholders Voice