Dec 3

Vision, Mission, and Values of SVM

Hey Change Maker!

It's essential to reflect on the core principles that drive each and every one of us. So today, we dive into the heart of the Stakeholders Voice Movement;  exploring our vision, mission, and values, and how these are brought to life through the Stakeholders Voice Policy Creation System (SVPCS) and all of OUR collective efforts.

Our Vision

Imagine a political landscape where the power truly resides in the hands of The People. Imagine that the collective voice of the people could directly influence lawmaking. Imagine a world where every individual's voice is not just heard but is a key driver in policy-making, transcending the limitations of traditional voting. Our vision is to create an everyday democratic experience where governance is a shared responsibility and every informed opinion actively shapes society, bridging political divides and significantly impacting government policies to reflect the real needs and wants of the people.

Our Mission Realized

Our mission at Stakeholders Voice Movement is to empower each of you to take an active role in the governance of our communities and our nation. With the SV Policy Creation System, this vision becomes tangible. It’s where your insights, concerns, and aspirations directly influence decision-makers. Every time you log into the SVPCS and participate in policy discussions, you’re actively shaping the future.

Values in Action

At Stakeholders Voice, we're deeply committed to making sure SV Representatives truly reflect what you, the people, want. We believe in being completely transparent, so everything we do is open for you to see and be a part of. Our approach goes beyond typical politics; we're all about the facts, focusing on what's best for everyone, not just following party lines. What really matters to us is bringing everyone into the conversation, making sure every voice is heard. We're constantly looking for innovative ways to make our democratic process more engaging and effective. And above all, we're here to bring about real change, the kind that makes a difference in your lives and communities. That's what drives us every day.

Bridging Citizens and Legislators

The Stakeholders Voice Movement (SVM) really makes things happen. Your input into the SV Policy Creation System becomes real-world policies. We do this by getting our SVM Representatives elected and pressuring those already in office to listen up. This way, what you do on our platform doesn't just end up as talk – it shapes the policies that affect us all. It's about making sure your voice truly counts and brings about the changes we want to see in our society.

Our Vision in Practice

Let’s consider a scenario. You’re concerned about healthcare reform. Through SVPCS, you have access to detailed policy proposals, discussions from experts, and opinions from fellow members. You weigh in, your voice joins thousands of others, and together, you shape a policy that is truly reflective of the public’s will. SVM Representatives then take this policy forward, advocating for its implementation. This is our vision and mission in action.

Join Us on this Journey

Be a part of this visionary movement. Becoming a member at is the first step in making our collective dream of a more responsive and representative democracy a reality. It’s about being more than just a member; it’s about being a change-maker.

Making a Difference Together

Every step you take with Stakeholders Voice, every discussion you participate in, every opinion you voice, contributes to a larger wave of change. You’re not just shaping policies; you’re shaping lives. Your involvement ensures that our policies are not just timely but are also reflective of the diverse voices that make up our society.

Ready to Shape the Future

We’re excited to have you on board. Sign up, get involved, and let’s take this journey together. Your voice is powerful, and at Stakeholders Voice, we can do More. Together.

Stay tuned for more updates, and let’s make democracy something we’re all proud to be part of. Together, we can do this.

Grateful for You,
David Collinsworth

Founder - Stakeholders Voice