Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
We were so sick and tired of politicians saying one thing and then doing the opposite that we spent 7 years creating a solution. The only way to fix our broken system is to put The People into the driver's seat of our representative democracy.
What's in your legislation? Now there's a way to easily learn about government policies, and directly help your fellow citizens shape those policies, all on your phone in less than 20 minutes.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
There's a mountain of issues that our "representatives" have been kicking down the road for DECADES now. These aren't partisan issues, they're American issues. Join us right now so that together we can create a better future.
...and bring a friend for free!
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Frequently asked questions
What is Stakeholders Voice?
At its core, Stakeholders Voice (SV) is about giving legislative power back to US, The People. It’s built on three foundational pillars:
1. The Policy Creation System (PCS)
Our online platform empowers members to learn about policies, propose ideas, and vote on what is included in proposed bills. By leveraging cutting-edge technology, you can do all of this from your phone—even if you only have 5 minutes to spare. Accessibility ensures that every voice counts, no matter your schedule or expertise.
2. The Stakeholders Voice Movement (SVM)
A grassroots and national political effort to elect SV Members at every level of government—from local school boards to Congress. SV Candidates don’t just run for office; they champion the policies created and prioritized by you, our members.
3. Accountability
Before running for office under the Stakeholders Voice banner, candidates take the Stakeholders Voice Pledge—a public commitment to represent the priorities set by our members with integrity and transparency. This pledge is backed by an Accountability Framework, a structured system of public reporting, oversight, and clear consequences for failing to honor this trust.
SV isn’t just a website, a movement, or a political party—it’s all three, working together to make hyper-responsive democracy a reality.
What is Directed Democracy?
Directed Democracy is a next-generation model of governance that blends the strengths of:
• Direct Democracy: Where citizens vote directly on laws and policies.
• Representative Democracy: Where elected officials make decisions on our behalf.
It was designed from the ground up to integrate seamlessly with our existing democratic system—no constitutional amendments, new laws, or permission from those already in power are required.
The result? A system that creates unprecedented transparency and accountability at every level of government while giving citizens real agency in the policies and laws they live under.
In Simple Terms:
• Real Citizen Input: You’ll have ongoing opportunities to propose, refine, and vote on policies—not just during elections, but continuously.
• Policy Champions: SV Representatives are elected not just to hold office but to champion the policies created and prioritized by members.
• Technology-Enabled Collaboration: Advanced tools make it possible for millions of people to participate in real-time discussions and decision-making processes, ensuring clarity, consensus, and adaptability at scale.
Democracy 2.0
Directed Democracy isn’t about dismantling our current system—it’s about upgrading it. It’s a modern operating system for democracy, built for the speed, complexity, and connectivity of the 21st century.
Is SV a political party, a grassroots movement, national or local?
The answer is simple: Yes, to all of the above!
• Political Party: SV backs candidates who pledge to fight for member-created policies.
• Grassroots Movement: SV thrives on community engagement and collaboration.
• National Platform: SV aims to make change at every level, from local school boards to national legislation.
• Local Impact: Local policies often have the biggest day-to-day impact, and SV members can focus their energy where it matters most to them.
SV is a flexible system designed to operate at every level of governance, creating a seamless bridge between local needs and national priorities.
How will Stakeholders Voice change anything in government?
Stakeholders Voice isn’t another protest movement—it’s a direct path to power at every level of government. Here’s how:
1. Policy by the People: Members propose, refine, and prioritize policies collaboratively through the Policy Creation System (PCS).
2. Electing Policy Champions: SV Representatives pledge to champion member-created policies in office, backed by binding contracts.
3. Transparency & Accountability: With policies publicly created and tracked, shady backroom deals are exposed, and representatives are held accountable.
4. Momentum for Change: When policies have broad public support and clear mandates, it’s much harder for opposing representatives to ignore or manipulate them.
It’s not about hoping politicians do the right thing—it’s about ensuring they have no choice but to follow through.
Who can become an SV Candidate and how?
You can. Yes YOU!
Stakeholders Voice candidates are regular people with extraordinary dedication to their communities. Here’s how it works:
1. Become a Stakeholders Voice Member.
2. Get involved—grow the community, participate in policy discussions, and demonstrate leadership by bringing in new members.
3. Top contributors earn the opportunity to run for office under the SV banner.
4. The community votes to select final candidates for each position.
SV ensures that dedicated contributors aren’t forgotten after election cycles. Reciprocity is built into our system, and your work is rewarded with opportunities to lead.
Why would any politician agree to give up power?
Traditional politicians wouldn’t. Not even when they’re caught lying, cheating, or actively working against the best interests of their constituents. And that’s the problem.
But SV Candidates aren’t traditional politicians. They willingly take the Stakeholders Voice Pledge—a public commitment to give some of their power back to the people in exchange for your vote.
Why Do They Do It?
• They believe in the mission: They know power belongs to the people—that’s why they’re Stakeholders Voice members.
• They want to win: Offering real accountability and transparency isn’t just principled—it’s persuasive. Ask yourself: Is anyone else offering you real power in exchange for your vote?
When faced with a choice between an SV Candidate offering real power-sharing and a traditional candidate offering empty promises, the decision becomes clear.
In our current hyper-partisan reality, why would anyone vote for SV Candidates?
Because it’s not about left or right—it’s about power vs. empty promises.
Instead of handing the power to write legislation to lobbyists and special interests, Stakeholders Voice gives that power to YOU.
SV Candidates Offer:
• Real legislative power: Policies are shaped and prioritized by the people, not party elites.
• Transparent accountability: Clear commitments, public reporting, and oversight ensure promises are kept.
• Citizen-driven policy: Legislation comes from your priorities, not shady backroom deals.
Whether you’re a Republican, Democrat, Independent, or anywhere in between, you deserve representation that fights for your priorities—not party agendas.
The truth is, there are real solutions to the biggest societal problems we face—solutions we can ALL agree on. People will vote for candidates who promise to make those solutions a reality.
Is SV Right, Left, Libertarian, Green, Progressive?
We are YOU.
Stakeholders Voice isn’t defined by ideology—it’s defined by empowerment.
• We’re a platform for fact-based discussion.
• We believe in consensus-building across political divides.
• We prioritize citizen-driven policy over party-driven agendas.
If you have to live under a law, and you have to pay for that law, you should have a say in creating that law. That’s what we stand for.
How can I get involved?
We’re thrilled you’re ready to join us! Here’s how:
1. Become a Member: Sign up at StakeholdersVoice.com
2. Participate: Share your ideas, vote on policies, and join discussions.
3. Spread the Word: Talk to friends, family, and neighbors about SV.
4. Step Up: If you’re ready, run for office under the SV banner.
Every voice strengthens our movement. Together, we can build something extraordinary.
It sounds amazing, but how does it all work?
We get it—it’s a big idea. But so was democracy itself once.
Think of SV as a modern voting booth that’s always open:
• You contribute to policies.
• You hold representatives accountable.
• You see your ideas turn into action.
The best way to understand it? Join us, dive in, and experience it firsthand.
Are SV Candidates just spoilers?
This is a fair question, and it gets to the heart of how Stakeholders Voice (SV) is different from traditional third parties.
SV Candidates aren’t spoilers—they’re fixers.
The problem with typical third-party candidates is that they often split the vote, unintentionally helping the least-preferred candidate win. But Stakeholders Voice isn’t just another party—it’s a system designed to bridge divides and build consensus.
Here’s How SV Candidates Help the System, Not Hurt It:
• Broad Consensus, Not Fragmentation:
SV isn’t about ideological purity or catering to a narrow slice of voters. Our policies are created, refined, and prioritized by a large, diverse group of citizens, reflecting shared goals across political lines.
SV isn’t about ideological purity or catering to a narrow slice of voters. Our policies are created, refined, and prioritized by a large, diverse group of citizens, reflecting shared goals across political lines.
• Real Public Mandates:
SV Candidates don’t run on personal platforms—they run on community-backed mandates built from policies that have widespread support. This creates candidates who are hard to dismiss as “fringe” or “niche.”
SV Candidates don’t run on personal platforms—they run on community-backed mandates built from policies that have widespread support. This creates candidates who are hard to dismiss as “fringe” or “niche.”
• A Better Choice for All Voters:
By focusing on solving problems, not perpetuating partisanship, SV Candidates offer an appealing option not just to SV members, but to any voter tired of empty promises and dysfunction.
By focusing on solving problems, not perpetuating partisanship, SV Candidates offer an appealing option not just to SV members, but to any voter tired of empty promises and dysfunction.
Instead of pulling votes away from one side or the other, SV Candidates aim to pull the entire political system toward transparency, accountability, and responsiveness.
When voters are offered a candidate who represents real power-sharing and real solutions, the choice becomes clear—not divisive.
What are your stances on voting?
Who you vote for is your choice—always.
But here’s the truth:
• The more SV Members we have, the more power we collectively wield.
• You don’t have to vote for SV Candidates, but they’ll be fighting for the policies you helped create.
It’s about having options—and options mean power.
Who's in charge around here?
Stakeholders Voice was founded by David Collinsworth in 2017.
But here’s the thing: You’re in charge.
Our community is our strength, and every member has the opportunity to lead. If you’re ready to step up, we’re ready to welcome you.
For more on David, visit: www.davidcollinsworth.com.
Welcome to Stakeholders Voice. Let’s change the game—together.