Stakeholders Voice Affiliate Partnership Agreement
Stakeholders Voice is excited to partner with you to help grow our movement and amplify our mission of empowering American citizens to shape the future of democracy. By joining our affiliate program, you have the opportunity to not only earn a significant, recurring revenue stream, but also to be a key player in building a more responsive, accountable, and participatory political system that truly reflects the will of the people.
Partnership Terms
1. Commission Structure: As an affiliate partner, you will earn 25% of all subscription payments from members who sign up through your unique referral link, for the first 12 months of their paid membership.
2. Payment Processing: All member payments will be processed through the Stakeholders Voice platform, and your commissions will be calculated based on the gross subscription revenue generated by your referred members.
3. Payout Schedule: Commissions will be paid out monthly via PayPal, on or around the 15th of each month, for the previous month's earnings.
4. Minimum Payout Threshold: To ensure efficient payment processing, the minimum payout threshold is $50. If your monthly commissions do not reach this threshold, they will be carried over to the next month until the threshold is met.
5. Referral Tracking: Each affiliate partner will be provided with a unique referral link to track signups and attribute commissions. It is your responsibility to ensure that this link is used correctly and prominently displayed in your promotional efforts.
6. Cookie Duration: The affiliate tracking cookie will remain active for 90 days. This means that if a user clicks your referral link but does not sign up immediately, you will still receive credit for their membership if they join within 90 days of clicking your link.
7. Promotional Guidelines: As an affiliate partner, you agree to promote Stakeholders Voice in an ethical, truthful manner that aligns with our mission and values. You will not engage in any deceptive, misleading, or spammy marketing practices, or make any false claims about the platform or its benefits.
8. Content Support: Stakeholders Voice will provide you with a range of promotional materials upon request, including sample email templates, and social media assets, to help you effectively promote the platform to your audience. We will also work with you to create custom content, such as interviews or platform walkthroughs, to showcase the unique features and benefits of Stakeholders Voice.
9. Ongoing Collaboration: As an affiliate partner, you are an integral part of the Stakeholders Voice community. We value your feedback, ideas, and insights, and we are committed to working closely with you to continually improve the platform and the affiliate program.
10. So that you know what you are promoting, a perk for our affiliates is a free membership to the Stakeholders Voice platform. If you are an American citizen your policy module input will be counted just like every other member. If you are not, you can still participate in the PCS but your input will not be factored into the final results of the policy modules.
The Opportunity
By partnering with Stakeholders Voice, you have the chance to be at the forefront of a transformative movement that is reshaping the way American citizens engage with their democracy. Our platform offers a completely unique, compelling solution to the widespread frustration and disillusionment with traditional politics - a way for everyday people to have a direct say in the policies that shape their lives.
The current status quo:
The Stakeholders Voice way:
The current status quo:
Politicians don't elevate your concerns they elevate their own concerns, their own world view, their own brand in search of more and more power. They elevate the concerns of whoever gives them the biggest check.
The Stakeholders Voice way:
People that want to run as Stakeholders Voice Candidates FIRST have to take the Stakeholders Voice Oath of Office. Part of that oath is that we will not let anything get between what our constituents want and what we champion publicly and privately. If we are interviewed on TV, giving a speech, or on the floor of congress the only thing we will be talking about is what our constituents need to create a better future for their communities and their families.
The current status quo:
Politicians caught lying, cheating, stealing, and doing the exact opposite of what their constituents want cling to their offices for years and sometimes decades.
The Stakeholders Voice way:
Part of the Stakeholders Voice Oath of Office is that none of our candidates will serve more than 2 terms in any specific role, which has several really important effects that benefit the communities they serve. They will also step down if they can no longer fully represent the will of their constituents because of physical, mental, or moral considerations. Your voice deserves to be heard, and what's best for your community as a whole must be advocated for at every level of government. That's the only way our government can work for all of US.
Stakeholders Voice was conceived in 2016 as a way to fix our government without having to pass a law, without getting buy-in from existing politicians, and without getting permission from the establishment in all its forms. Imagine for a moment the possibility that the people, all of US, could take back control of our country on every level, and make it actually work for the benefit of everyone with a simple promise: We provide you with unbiased information about policies, and you let us know what parts of those policies you want, how you want them implemented, and how we should pay for them. We turn the collective voice of your community into legislation, and you vote our candidates into office at every level so that we can make that legislation a reality. Your Voice IS Our Voice. Your Voice IS Our Power. Your Voice MATTERS.
Stakeholders Voice is a dynamic, fast growing movement that needs dynamic, fast moving team members at every level. We need frontline organizers, canvassers, marketers, political strategists, admin, legal, and much more. If you have special skills, and a burning passion to change the world, then you belong here with US.
Send your resume and a short essay about why you would like to work with the team at Stakeholders Voice to
We can't wait to meet you!
Stakeholders Voice Pledge
Today, I give my solemn pledge so that the whole world can testify that I will abide by the will of my constituents. I will not be swayed from the will of my constituents by polls, personal beliefs, media, corporations, or politicians. Whatever position the majority of my constituents certify is their position through the Stakeholders Voice App is the position I will fight for with all of my strength and ability to do so. I will provide accurate, unbiased, and complete information about all matters that directly affect the lives of my constituents. I will trust that my constituents know better than I do what is best for their own families. I will not take money from any source that would create a conflict between what my constituents want and the policies that I fight for. I will not serve more than 2 terms in any one elected office, continuous or non-continuous. If at any point I cannot follow thru on this pledge to my constituents I will resign my seat to someone that is willing and able to carry out the will of the people that I have been entrusted with representing.
The current status quo:
Single issue movements that don't create the desired change. Shoehorning everyone into neat baskets of Republican, Democrat, Independent, etc. and forcing all of US to choose the least bad option of who will represent US.
The Stakeholders Voice way:
We are harnessing the power of the INFORMED WILL of millions of American Citizens to create the exact change that those Americans need to make their lives better. The bigger the Stakeholders Voice Movement gets the harder it will be for the entrenched powers to oppose the will of the PEOPLE. YOU ARE THE POWER. WE ARE THE INSTRUMENT OF THAT POWER. You can either join the movement and be a part of a brighter tomorrow, or you can watch the world change around you without your input.
The current status quo:
The Stakeholders Voice way:
The current status quo:
Politicians have figured out that talking about problems, and never solving them, is a good way to keep their donors happy and to keep US voting for them because it could always be worse if the other guy wins. They've also figured out that letting corporate lobbyists write legislation is much easier than doing all that hard work themselves. Finally, they've figured out that partisanship is good and transparency is bad. That's why we have constant fighting, and bills that are thousands of pages long so that nobody really knows everything that is in them and what it all means. Not even the politicians voting on these bills know what's in them.
The Stakeholders Voice way:
Transparency starts by knowing what is actually in the bills that our representatives are proposing. Since they have no interest in creating easy to understand legislation that benefits US, The People, we have to create our own legislation so that we can show our politicians what we actually want them to do and then ask them why their proposed bill doesn't look anything like ours. The only way to see the true scale of the corruption, backroom deals, and manufactured partisanship is to hold up their proposed bills next to ours and simply point out all the differences. There has to be a reference point, an example of what WE really want as American Citizens from our government. That's why we created the Policy Creation System. There has never been anything like it, and it was designed from the ground up to create non-partisan legislation by bringing Americans from every ideology together to solve problems and find common ground.
The current status quo:
Cities with undrinkable water, a healthcare system that is failing, an immigration crisis, women's rights, and many more serious threats that our politicians would rather argue about on TV than actually fix. Now we are facing the meteoric rise of Artificial Intelligence and our only hope for figuring all of this out before our country falls into chaos is the people that have already proven they aren't up to the challenge.
The Stakeholders Voice way:
The only way we get through all of this with our democracy intact is by working together. We need bold action that has the full backing of the American people. The only way to get that type of agreement and solidarity is for the solutions to come from The People, ALL of The People. We need a system that is made from the ground up to inform people of the threats we are facing in a non-partisan, factual way. The information has to be fast and easy to understand, and easy to access from a mobile device. The system needs to collect the input of millions of Americans on what would be best for their families and communities and then use cutting edge technology to turn all of that input into legislation. Then the system has to have a way of turning that legislation into law. That system exists now, and all we need to change the world is you.